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Most Recently Released Items

Löw Beer, David; Luh, Victoria
In the context of Germany's coal phase-out, substantial resources are allocated to transform coal regions economically and socially. This study exami...
Gürtler, Konrad; Löw Beer, David
While the coal phase-out is progressing in many countries, formerly fossil-dependent regions receive transition funding for substitute economic activ...
Haas, Tobias; Sander, Hendrik
Mobilität ist in der Forschung in historisch-materialistischer Tradition bisher ein eher randständiges Thema. Doch es gibt zahlreiche Anknüpfungspunk...
Mey, Franziska; Weik, Arno; Lilliestam, Johan
A rapid and full decarbonisation of both energy and industry is essential to meet the targets in the Paris agreement, which brings coal- and carbon-i...