20220930a|ACS earth and space chemistry 20190701c|Advanced theory and simulations 20181002i|Advances in geosciences : ADGEO 201802161|Aerosol and Air Quality Research : AAQR 20201118b|Aerosol science and technology 20190510a|Ambio: a journal of human environment 20220707c|Annual review of environment and resources 20200721b|Antropolítica : revista Contemporânea de Antropologia 20180718e|Applied Sciences : open access journal 20141126|Aquatic conservation : marine and freshwater ecosystems 20210414b|Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 20240902a|Arctic, antarctic, and alpine research : an interdisciplinary journal journals3|Atmospheric chemistry and physics 140121a|Atmospheric chemistry and physics Discussions 20190528a|Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte : APuZ 20240801a|Advances in climate change research 20180319b|Advances in marine biology 140228|Agronomy for sustainable development 131108|Agronomy research 20201005a|AIP conference proceedings 20240524a|AJIL unbound 20231213b|American ethnologist 20210531b|American journal of public health 20191219a|American political science review 20190710a|Angewandte Philosophie 20240731a|Annals of global health 20190828a|Annual Review of Social Partnerships 201601111|Anthropocene 140211d|Applied economics 140225a|Applied energy 20220520a|Aquaculture 140225b|Aquatic geochemistry 20230320a|Archives of toxicology 20170111a|Asia Bridges journals2|ASIL insights 20170809a|Atlantische Themen 20210921a|Atmosphere journals4|Atmospheric environment 20210607b|Atmospheric environment: X 201503101|Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 201503102|Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 20220204a|Atmospheric pollution research 160823a|Atmospheric Research 20202020a|BDVB aktuell : Mitgliederzeitung des Bundesverbandes Deutscher Volks- und Betriebswirte e.V. (bdvb) 161102a|Biofuels, bioproducts and biorefining 20190520b|Body and society 20240619b|Buildings and cities 140113|Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 20240710b|Business and society 20220113a|Business strategy and the environment